WFA Rules

Definition of WFA Rules

WFA stands for Warehouse Fulfillment Allocation. WFA Rules are business rules that determine the optimal sourcing and order fulfillment route. WFA Rules offer a flexible way to assign shipments to warehouses and create the most efficient way to fulfill the orders.

Data grid WFA Rules

Get an overview of all WFA Rules in the system.

  1. Click on System in the menu and go to → WFA Rules
Screenshot of the WFA Grid in Marello
WFA Rule Grid
  • Name: Name of the WFA Rule
  • Enabled: Whether the rule is active or not
  • Sort Order: Order in which the rules are executed (Low numbers are executed first)
  • Stop further rules processing: Will stop the next rule from processing
  • System: Whether the WFA Rule is a system rule or not. System rules are rules that are standard Marello rules and can’t be removed
  • Strategy: The way in which the rule determines how the order is assigned to the warehouses

WFA Rule overview

An overview of an individual WFA Rule

  1. Navigate to System → WFA Rules → Click on a WFA Rule. By clicking on a WFA Rule in the WFA Rule overview, a WFA Rule ‘view’ page will open. On this page you find the following information:


  • Name: Name of the WFA Rule
  • Enabled: Whether the rule is active or not
  • Sort Order: Order in which the rules are executed (Low numbers are executed first)
  • Stop further rules processing: Will stop the next rule from processing
  • System: System or Custom rule
  • Strategy: The to the WFA Rule assigned strategy

Create a WFA Rule

  1. Navigate to System → WFA Rules
  2. Click on the ”Create WFA Rule’ button in the top right of the screen.
  3. Fill in the following details:


  • Enable: Enable or disable the WFA rule
  • Name: Name of the WFA Rule
  • Sort Order: Set the order in which the rule needs to be executed (a lower number will be executed first)
  • Stop further rules processing: Set if the next rule (based on sort order) needs to be stopped from processing
  • Strategy: Select the strategy

System WFA strategies

Marello is installed with two strategies ‘Out-of-the-Box’ :

Minimum Quantity

The strategy ‘Minimum Quantity’ will look for a minimum amount of warehouses that can fulfill the full order. Preferably the order will be fulfilled from one warehouse that has all ordered items in the inventory. If that is not possible, the order will be split between two or more warehouses. 

Minimum Distance

The strategy ‘Minimum Distance’ will look for a warehouse that is closest to the shipping location to fulfill the full order.

Distance Calculation

Calculating the distance between Warehouses and Shiping Addresses is handled by Google Services. Make sure you have configures the Marello Google settings to be able to use this WFA Rule Strategy

Custom WFA strategies

Marello offers the possibility to create your own strategies. Your Software Integrator can develop a custom strategy that exactly meets your needs. The strategy can then be assigned to a WFA Rule.

Updated on december 28, 2020

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