Operating System
- Linux distributions such as RedHat, Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS are recommended for production setups
Web Servers
- Apache 2.2.x or 2.4.x
- Nginx latest mainline or stable version
Database Management Systems
- PostgreSQL 15.1
PHP & PHP CLI version
- PHP >=8.3
- PHP CLI, the same version as for the web server
PHP settings
Few updates to default PHP configuration settings should be done in php.ini for the web server and CLI:
- date.timezone must be set
- detect_unicode must be disabled
- memory_limit should be 1Gb or above
Depending on the debugging tools and extensions used during development, the memory_limit may be even higher in the development environment.
If the xdebug is installed (which is not recommended in the production setup):
- xdebug.scream must be disabled
- xdebug.show_exception_trace must be disabled
- xdebug.max_nesting_level above 100
By default, max_execution_time value equals 30 seconds. In case of using the Schema update option, it is recommended to increase this value.
PHP extensions
- ctype
- curl
- fileinfo
- gd
- intl (ICU library 4.4 and above)
- json
- mbstring
- sodium
- openssl
- pgsql
- pcre
- simplexml
- tokenizer
- xml
- zip
- imap
- soap
- bcmath
- ldap
Process Control
- Supervisor or alternative
Used for JS assets minification and SCSS assets build.
Enterprise Edition
Enterprise Edition supports additional software configuration which allows for better support scale and performance. Additional software configuration that are supported:
- PostgreSQL / EnterpriseDB 15.1
- RabbitMQ 3.11.x
- RabbitMQ is an alternative for the default Job Queue
- Elasticsearch >=8.4.1, <9.0
- Elasticsearch is an alternative for the ORM search
- Mozilla Firefox (lastest)
- Google Chrome (lastest)
- Microsoft Edge (lastest)
- Safari (latest)