Purchase Order Definition
A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.
All Purchase Order Overview
An overview of all created Purchase Orders.
- Navigate to Purchasing → Purchase Orders

- PO Number: Unique PO Number
- Supplier: Where will the PO be placed
- Created at: When the PO was created
- Updated at: When the PO was last updated
- Due Date: When the PO order should be received
- Order Total: Total amount of the PO
- Step: Which workflow step the PO is in
Individual Purchase Order View
Each purchase order has their own page.
- Navigate to Purchasing → Purchase Order and click on a Purchase Order.

PO overview information
- PO Number: Unique number linked to the PO
- Purchase Order Date: When the PO was ordered
- Supplier: Which supplier the PO was created for
- Purchase Order Due Date: When the PO should be delivered
- Order Total: Total amount of PO
- Shipping Address: Address PO should be delivered to
- Phone: Phonenumber to reach the warehouse
- Purchase Order Workflow: Step of the process/workflow the PO is in
- SKU: Unique product code
- Name: Product Name
- Manufacturing Code: Manufacturing code of individual products
- Supplier: Name of the Supplier
- Status: Step of the workflow the PO is in
- Ordered Amount: Number of ordered products
- Received Quantity: Number of received products
- Email Notification: Outgoing email notifications
Create and send out a new Purchase Order
Creating a new Purchase Order to be sent out to the supplier.
- Navigate to Purchasing → Purchase Orders
- Click on ”Create Purchase Order” in the top right of the screen.
- From the drop-down menu, choose the supplier you want to create a Purchase Order for
- Click ”Continue” in the top right of the screen
- Fill out the necessary information in the fields.
- Supplier: List of suppliers predefined in the
Billing & Shipping Info
- Due Date: When the PO should be delivered
Products from Advice
- Product: All available products from the selected supplier
- Order Amount: Amount of products that should be included in the PO
- Purchase Price: Price per product
- Row Total: Total price per row of products
Additional Products
- Product: All available products from the selected supplier
- Order Amount: Amount of products that should be included in the PO
- Purchase Price: Price per product
- Row Total: Total price per row of products
Order Total
- Advice Total: Total for the products added from the advice
- Additional Items Total: Total for the additional products
- Grand Total: The grand total of all items on the PO
- Select Warehouse: Select the warehouse the PO is created for
6. Click ”Save and Close” in the top right of the page
7. Navigate to Purchasing → Purchase Orders
8. The created Purchase Order can be found in the PO grid
9. Click on the newly created Purchase Order in the grid
10. Click on ”Send to Supplier” in the top right of the page
11. Follow the purchase workflow to register received PO’s, and automatically update inventory levels
Working with the Purchase Order Workflow
After a Purchase Order is created, the PO workflow is started up. The PO workflow can be customized to individual needs. In this case, we take a look at the default PO workflow.
- After a PO is created, click op ”Send to Supplier” in the top right of the page
- When the ordered items have been received click ”Receive partially” in the top right of the page
- Register the number of items that were received.
- The items are now added to the inventory accordingly.
- When all items are received, the workflow status of the PO will change to complete.